Paddling Clothing

I realise that clothing is a personal issue, but I have seen some paddlers have a difficult Marathon, purely because they had made the wrong choice of clothing.

The majority of experienced paddlers wear paddling shorts and either a Lycra or thermal long sleeved top. I have always used thermals and find it amazing how they can wick the sweat away and provide sun protection, yet keep you warm in winter.

Cotton clothing is generally not advised.
[For a range of our recommended paddling clothing see our Kayak Clothing page - ECK]

Take care that you clothing does not have any seams that will rub. It is important that you wear your clothing in during training so that you can find any trouble spots.

Women also need to work out during training if they are going to wear a bra, as I have seen some paddlers have all sorts of problems due to wearing a poor fitting sports bra.
[Avoid seams, underwires and rub points - elastane/lycrapullover sports bras are best - ECK]

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