Are you ready for a new opportunity that provides you working experience while kayaking through the world’s most liveable city?
Based on the bay of Port Melbourne, East Coast Kayaking and Sea Kayak Australia is recruiting qualified kayaking instructors to travel along the open waters and lead tours as the head instructor.
The key to surf ski safety is understanding:
Weather Interpretation
Basic Skills and Strokes
Self rescues
Safety Equipment - everyday gear you should be carrying - have it accessible and know how to use it
You should also let someone know where you are going and when you are expected back - "Let someone know before you go" and be able to raise the alarm in case of an emergency.
We recommend you gain training from a qualified Paddle Australia instructor.
Every second year East Coast Kayaking conducts a sea kayaking expedition with a hardy group of senior school students and their teachers to Prince William Sound, Alaska. This year the school camp was followed by a small group tour to some of the best paddling locations on offer in British Columbia - Quadra Island and its tidal races, Broughton Archipelago off the northern end of Vancouver Island, and Tofino-Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island's Pacific West Coast.
“It's better to be hot and bothered than cold and emotional” - You can always cool down, but you can't always warm up! The right clothing is vital to your comfort and safety when on and off the water.
There is a wide variety of dry bags, sacks & cases - used to protect all sorts of gear. Come along to our Show and Tell sessions to learn more about dry bags and packing your kayak
Each year in May, East Coast Kayaking leads a crossing of Port Phillip Bay. This is an all-day event that gives paddlers with some experience a fantastic opportunity to practise trip planning, teamwork and group management skills.
Proficiency in chart reading and the use of a compass is a vital skill when venturing out on the water. This blog entry is primarily concerned with GPS use, though the Navionics software for iPad and mobile also contains some GPS functions.
It started with a phone call “Hey would you do the Murray Marathon?” I said “Yes, sure, …what the whole thing?” The promo posters arrived and an email – the Murray Marathon had been rebadged as Massive Murray Paddle and moved to the end of November. A quick “Who wants to join us?” post on Facebook and a couple of chats and the team was born
It all started with a random comment over a quiet drink: “how about we paddle Ningaloo this Easter expedition?” Over the last few years we had been heading off on paddling reconnaissance trips around the world at this time, with the intention of developing a list of 5 to 10 great paddling destinations, . Ningaloo Reef, in Western Australia, was next on our list.
A PFD is not an ornament for your deck, or a cushion to pad out that hard fibreglass seat - it may be the only thing between you and disaster if it all goes pear-shaped.
Nearly all states and territories have a regulation that it is mandatory to wear a PFD when kayaking - there are some exceptions but we recommend that regardless of those you wear a PFD at all times.
One stove does not meet all needs. The type of stove you choose may vary depending on the journey and the group. Always be aware of your group’s individual cooking and tea/coffee making needs and tailor fuel quantities accordingly. Become familiar with your stove’s fuel usage before you expedition.
In an ideal world we would like to think we take such good care of our kayaks that they would never get scraped along the sand or have close encounters with submerged rocks or even dragged up the beach (ouch!), but let’s face it – most of us will subject our kayak’s hull to abrasion, scrapes and chips at some time.
Trip organiser Robin Boundy invited me to join in his second crossing of Bass Strait, intent on the paddle being a tight pod with group cohesion from start to finish - this sounded like my kind of trip!